Frequently Asked Questions, Native housing programs
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Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a series of questions often received, along with their answers below. If your question is not within this listing, please contact us via the online contact form on the Contact Us page.

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation


I couldn't reach someone in Maintenance and need to report a repair request for my home. What should I do?

Office staff are available Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm to assist you with repair requests.

If the repairs are an emergency request (listing here), please call the Admin Assistant/Front Desk at 807-343-9401, ext #805, or by dialing zero.

If not an emergency, you can choose one of the following methods:

If you are sending an email, please make sure to include your address in the subject line.

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation


How long is the housing waiting list?

Once an application is completed in full and all required information and documentation are received by our office, placement could take as little as six (6) months, if an application is rated as a higher priority.

Depending on rental unit availability that will support you and your family's housing needs, it may take anywhere from one (1) year or more for approved applicants to be placed in a rental unit.

It is understood that the completion of the housing application does not guarantee that the Native People of Thunder Bay Housing Corporation will provide rental accommodations.

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation


What happens once I've completed the application?

Once an application is completed in full and all required documents are submitted, applications are entered onto the wait list program, and a letter of acknowledgement is mailed to applicants. 

A landlord reference check will be completed and an in-home interview is conducted and a report is completed and put on file. Finally, a Tenant Selection Meeting is held; this determines the priority/order of applicants brought forward. Depending on vacancies, a unit is offered by letter. Applicants have 24 hours to respond; if there is no contact, the offer is rescinded. If the applicants respond, we will then conduct a viewing of the offered unit. A time frame of 24-hours, from the time of the appointment, for a response by the applicants is given. Again, if there is no contact, the offer is rescinded. If the unit is accepted, the applicant is then required to set up an appointment with the Tenant Coordinator (Cindy Pareigis) to calculate the rent amount and review and sign the Lease Agreement. When the unit is ready for the applicant to move in, an appointment to conduct a final inspection of the unit is completed. Keys are then released once the first month's rent is paid.

It is your responsibility to "check in" with the Tenant Placement Worker on a regular basis to keep your application active.

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation

How long will my Application remain on file (active)?

It is the policy of the Corporation that all applications without activity in a six (6) months period will be changed to an “Inactive” status; after twelve (12) months, applications are removed from the Corporation's waiting list and the file is closed.

It is your responsibility to keep in touch with the Tenant Placement Worker on a regular basis to ensure that your application remains active, and to provide the Corporation with any/all updates of information concerning your application within thirty (30) days (such as changes to your household members, income, or accommodations).

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation  

Would I be responsible to pay for utilities such as Hydro (Electricity), Heat, or Water?

Heat and Hydro utilities are paid by the Corporation only for all currently occupied rental units under Section 95 Operating Agreement.

As of November 2023, these utilities are the responsibility of tenant households under Section 15.1, COCHI and LEM, and all new tenants moving into any vacant unit, other than Section 95 units. Tenants will be responsible for creating an account with the utility companies prior to moving into a rental unit and paying for services during their tenancy.

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation


Will any Appliances be supplied or do I have to buy my own?

All currently occupied rent-geared-to-income units are supplied with a fridge and stove owned by the Corporation. Unfortunately, due to decrease in funding, all new tenants moving into any vacant unit, other than Section 95 units, will have to supply their own appliances.

If you already own appliances and wish to use them in your new home, you must notify the Corporation prior to moving into a rental unit.

In addition, the majority of our barrier-free units are provided with a washer and dryer owned by the Corporation.

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation

What if I want to move into another rental unit in a different part of the city?

You can apply for a transfer by completing the Internal Transfer Form, copy is available here.

Please be aware that your reasoning for a transfer must be within the guidelines; more information on guidelines is available here.

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230 Van Norman Street - Thunder Bay - Ontario - (807) 343-9401