Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS)
OAHS mandate is to provide safe and affordable housing to urban and rural First Nation, Inuit and Métis people living off-Reserve in Ontario. They provide a variety of housing options that suit individual and family needs along the housing continuum starting at rent geared-to-income units and currently ending with assisted home ownership and home repair assistance
Website: Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services
Thunder Bay District - Social Housing
Dedicated to assisting low income families find and afford housing in the community.
Website: www.tbdssab.on.ca
Wigwamen Incorporated is a non-profit and charitable organization. Wigwamen is committed to providing decent, safe and affordable housing to thousands of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families, singles, and seniors within Toronto and Scarborough areas.
Website: www.wigwamen.com
The Métis Nation of Ontario, and Infinity Property Services
The Métis Nation of Ontario is dedicated to improving the social and economic well-being of Métis children, families and communities throughout the province.
The Housing and Infrastructure Branch provides housing services to eligible clients through its Infinity Property Services division as well as housing stabilization supports to Métis citizens.
Website: www.metisnation.org - Housing & Infrastructure
Website: Infinity Property Services - Vacancies & Housing Application
Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation
Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation provides housing opportunities for Native families, Elders, single individuals, and couples in Sudbury and Espanola, Ontario.
Website: www.nativehousing.org
Brantford Native Housing
Brantford Native Housing was founded in 1986 as non-profit Charitable organization which works to provide housing for people of Native ancestry who are of low income.
Website: www.brantfordnativehousing.com
CAN-AM Urban Native Housing
CAN-AM Urban Native Housing is an organization that is dedicated to assisting the aboriginal community find affordable and safe housing in the Windsor area.
Website: www.caunh.ca
Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association
ONPHA is a association that provides high quality affordable housing for the low and moderate income people in Ontario.
Website: www.onpha.on.ca
Government of Ontario (Aboriginal Programs & Services)
Listings of programs and services provided in Ontario for aborginal senior citizens.
Web site: http://www.culture.gov.on.ca/seniors/english/programs/seniorsguide/directory/aboriginal.shtml
Central Housing Registry (Windsor-Essex County)
Central Housing Registry assists applicants in Windsor and Essex County seeking accommodation in social or non-profit housing through the use of a coordinated access system.
Website: www.chrwec.com