Urban Native Housing Program, Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation
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Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation

Urban Native Housing Program

Besides the benefit of providing safe, affordable and decent housing for the Native community, the Urban Native Housing Program also fosters a greater cultural understanding between Native and Non-Native neighbours. Where available, many Native tenants also take the opportunity to upgrade education and employment skills while residing in Native Housing.

The Urban Native Housing Program also allows many sponsor groups to provide Native Tenant Liaison services to assist tenants with problems or concerns faced in an (sometimes unfamiliar) urban setting.

The program provides subsidies for mortgage and operations on a breakeven basis. Audited financial statements are submitted annually and budget overpayments and over expenditures are reconciled at that time. The Federal Government has stated that the Operating Agreements made with Urban Native Housing sponsors will be left entirely intact, with no changes, when the responsibility for administering the Urban Native Housing Program is transferred to the Provincial Government and eventually, to the Municipalities.

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